First it was #Greece and now #Italy. Will the 3rd biggest #economy in the #eurozone end in default or #reform? Perhaps bye, bye #Berlusconi!
Herman #Cain currently leads Mitt #Romney by 8 points. Perhaps his first initiative will be a #Canadian Bacon style #tax cut.
Great work Hank Williams! Compare #Obama to Hilter and #Boehner to #Netanyahu, only to have your "song" removed from Monday Night #Football.
Now that you no longer need to be gone for 5 years to be on a #stamp, I'm in. I'm worth at least 44 cents.
Will the former Godfather's #CEO be able to catch the cowboy from #Texas and 1/2 of #Obamneycare? I highly doubt it, but #Florida disagrees.
The skill in attending a party is knowing when to leave and making sure you don't leave your dignity at the front door.
An unlikely duo: Yao Ming and Richard Branson team up to discourage eating shark fins. I initially thought it'd be a joint venture to Mars.
New road bike, new perspective. Now if I can only manage to avoid those who choose to text while cruising the streets I'll be good.
A 5.9 earthquake in Virginia was felt in Washington DC, New York City and North Carolina. Apparently the epicenter was only 3.7 miles deep.
36% of #companies think it’s at least somewhat likely that #resumes will be replaced by #profiles on #social and business #networking sites.
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