It has become increasingly important for prospective
employees to set themselves apart from the competition. Regardless of where the
candidates are in their work timeline—they could be recent graduates,
well-established career professionals or those looking to transition into a new
career; it really doesn’t matter.
We all in a sense need a little guidance to calm the storm of the economic conditions that we are currently facing. To some extent, I would even say the environment has arguably become more turbulent in recent months, especially with the large influx of potential individuals that are fiercely seeking employment.
Moreover, with more and more individuals battling in the job search arena, one must do all they can to showcase their talents, goals, ambitions and overall experience. I understand that it may be extremely tedious and time consuming, but we have all went through it at some point in our lives.
When you are unemployed, everyday seems to be a constant degree of uncertainty. You always seem to possess ambiguity about your future economic stability. It can also be vague and challenging to build a foundation, without having a clear vision of what the future will hold. That is why you have to plant a seed with prospective organizations, based on the infrastructure that you have already worked to establish.
This groundwork could consist of past work experience, education, volunteer opportunities and a network of individuals that you can harness. Never underestimate the power of your social networks; your connections may be more than willing to help and may even recommend you to specific positions within their company. Start the conversation and who knows, someone may be able to help you out along the way.
All-in-all, it has become increasingly necessary to establish division and separation from your competition, especially in the obfuscating job market. Without taking the initiative and responsibility on yourself, the period of dormancy may be extended and the perils of being unemployed may continue to linger on.
Personally, I think it is arguably the worst feeling the in the world—exerting all your energy and transparency for a job opportunity, and then finding out after all your hard work that they decided to pursue another candidate.
This is why you need to do what you can to set yourself apart from the opposing vultures trying to isolate the opportunity from you. With this in mind, you must showcase your skills that are applicable and pertinent to the opportunities you are striving for. Without having a clear vision of why you think you are qualified—you may potentially convey that in the interview. This could all be due to a lack of confidence and clarity about your experience and overall credentials.
As a result, job seekers need to remain confident. They also need to understand that they will eventually find an opportunity they love. It may be challenging to continue pursuing a job prospect, but don’t give up; there are good days ahead.
Image Credits: Career Realism — June 22, 2009
It is networking that separates you from the competition, actually. By that I mean your friend or former colleague can speak about you directly to the person who is hiring. That's the key - you're a "known quantity", and thus you get referred. When a hiring manager has 100 doors available, and behind one of those doors is a referred person, then you have just set yourself apart from the competition.
The company where I work (, that's what my specific mission is: Help job seekers get organized so they can reach out to their network and get referred into their next job. If your network doesn't know that you're in the job search and how they can help, you're relegated back to job boards.
Posted by: Mgenovese | 08/03/2010 at 03:18 PM